Dan Hurley’s wife was ‘angry and moved to tears’ upon learning Lakers reached out

Jonathan Sherman
3 Min Read

The Los Angeles Lakers were unable to convince University of Connecticut head coach Dan Hurley to leave his current gig to become their new head coach.

In the days following the news that Hurley will indeed be staying with UConn, numerous reports have come out that have helped paint a picture regarding why he made the decision he did.

A new element has now been added to that story. According to Hurley himself, his wife was “angry and moved to tears” after learning that the Lakers had reached out.

While his wife surely would’ve accepted any decision Hurley made at the end of the day, her understandable display of emotion must have had an impact on his thought process.

Hurley joining the Lakers might’ve been a bit of a long shot. It’s no mystery why the two-time NCAA champion is one of the most beloved college basketball coaches working today. He also seems to truly love the chance to not only coach basketball, but help mold his players during pivotal years in their young adulthoods.

That aspect of coaching in basketball might exist more at the collegiate level than it does within the NBA ranks. Had Hurley decided to take the Lakers job, there is little doubt that he would have traded in much of that mentorship position for one of managing egos of star players.

Beyond that, Hurley and his family seem to be deeply entrenched within their community. He was born in New Jersey, and much of his family lives nearby. The fact that he would’ve had to go live about as far away from the East Coast as possible within the United States if he had taken the Lakers job likely weighed on Hurley’s mind as well.

Now, the Lakers are left to pursue other options at head coach. There are a number of enticing candidates still out there, and the L.A. front office will likely do all it can to make sure that the next candidate they offer the job to accepts the position.

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Jonathan has worked as a sports writer covering NBA and NFL news since 2017. He's a fan of the Los Angeles Lakers and Minnesota Vikings.