Report: Sacramento Kings not actively shopping Buddy Hield

Brad Sullivan
2 Min Read
Craig Mitchelldyer-USA TODAY Sports

While Sacramento Kings guard Buddy Hield has often been at odds with the team’s management, a new report indicates that the team is not actively seeking to trade the sharpshooter.

“I think it makes a lot of sense, them trying to move him, start with a clean slate, they were better without him in the starting five, all of that,” one general manager said. “The logic is there. But there does not seem to be a lot of action there, not yet at least. It is not something where they seem to be shopping him very actively. Maybe it would be better to wait, to see how the season starts, but I don’t get the sense that they’re out there really laying the groundwork for a deal. They’re just not yet shopping him.”

Hield is coming off a season in which he averaged 19.2 points, 4.6 rebounds and 3.0 assists per game, while shooting 39.4 percent from beyond the arc. He has a career shooting percentage of 41.1 in the latter category, which could make him a viable trade option for other teams.

Last year, Hield signed a four-year contract extension worth $94 million and is set to make $24.9 million during the upcoming season.

Other teams may have questions about Hield’s demeanor, but it’s clear that he possesses plenty of talent. How much they’re willing to give up could change the Kings’ mind.

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Brad has written on a variety of both NBA and NFL topics and has worked previously as a sports information director at the collegiate level. A lifetime fan of sports, he's witnessed countless great moments in different sports and understands that stories can be compelling from both the perspective of winners and losers. As a frustrated fan of Cleveland sports, he experienced something unprecedented when the Cavaliers won the city's first championship in 52 years.